الرئيسية / شبكة صوتها للمدافعات عن حقوق الانسان / Women focus groups in Babil to discuss the challenges faced by women in general and rural women in particular

Women focus groups in Babil to discuss the challenges faced by women in general and rural women in particular

Sawtuha: Babil

Within the Women’s Fund for Peace and Humanitarian Action project, the coordination of Sawtuha Network in Babylon, in cooperation with the United Nations Women in Iraq, held three focus groups for the period 4-16 March 2020, the number of participants ranged from 20 to make the total of the three groups’ 60 women representing different segments of society.

Focus groups focused on the most important problems faced by women in the governorate, especially rural women, and the societal and economic violence they face by water scarcity and drought, which villages suffer from, the great shortage in health services, in addition to chronic diseases, diabetes children lack of treatment and lack of health care Adequate.

The women also discussed other problems, including education, religious traditions, and legal problems, on how to deal with the parents by marrying girls with small ages, in addition to the severe violence that exposed some of them to disabilities due to beating, taking them out of their schools and denying them education.

The three women’s focus groups have concluded a set of recommendations and policies to be adopted by the relevant official agencies, which will be published through an expanded report.

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