الرئيسية / شبكة صوتها للمدافعات عن حقوق الانسان / Sawtuha Network Launches #Your Health_Interest us campaign

Sawtuha Network Launches #Your Health_Interest us campaign

With the spread of the Corona virus, Sawtuha Network, in cooperation with the United Nations Women in Iraq, launched an awareness campaign for pregnant women under the title (Your health_interest us).

Scientific studies have proven that pregnant women are more vulnerable to infection with respiratory diseases and the viruses that cause them, including corona virus, due to the physiological and immune changes that occur during pregnancy.

The Statistics Authority of the Ministry of Planning has determined that the pregnancy rate for women of reproductive age is 2% per year, and that the birth rate ranges from 850,000 to one million annually across Iraq.

In front of this high rate, pregnant women must be made aware through an explanatory poster to prevent COVID 19 infection

عن 2editor 2editor

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