الرئيسية / شبكة صوتها للمدافعات عن حقوق الانسان / Nineweh women discuss the problems of identification papers and social welfare salaries

Nineweh women discuss the problems of identification papers and social welfare salaries

Nineweh: sawtuha

Within the Women’s Fund for Peace and Humanitarian Action project, the coordinator of Sawtuha network in Nineweh, in cooperation with the United Nations Women in Iraq, held two focus groups. The number of participants ranged from 20 to total 40 women representing different segments of society.

Women discussed the armed conflict and the consequences of ISIS for the destruction of infrastructure and society, the displacement of many families, the loss of financial resources, and the loss of some of their jobs. Discussions focused on a problem in not granting children as a result of ISIS marriages identification evidence for the purpose of exercising their normal lives, whether on the street or at school, denying them education and not integrating them into society, the lack of recognition by courts of marriage contracts concluded at that time, in addition to the high percentage of widowed women and their lack of a living resource to spend on the family and the weakness of the procedures of the Social Welfare Department to grant them salaries and meet their needs or provide a job opportunity for those who do not have the certificate, or help them to set up small projects, and allow them to participate in decision-making in the service of society.

The two women’s focus groups have concluded a set of recommendations and policies to be adopted by the relevant official agencies, which will be published through an expanded report.

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