الرئيسية / دراسات / Suzan Aref Head of (WEO)…Women in Iraq need the confidence of society in their abilities

Suzan Aref Head of (WEO)…Women in Iraq need the confidence of society in their abilities

An iron woman merged the features of internal and external beauty and insisted that women have a title worthy of their existence, heritage and role throughout history. She had a struggle and a clear determination of civil work, which has a maturity that differs from the traditional concept of women in our society



Suzan Arif was born in Arbil between a family characterized by equality in her curriculum with her children, both male and female. She graduated from the Faculty of Management and Economics at the University of Ceyhan. She married and gave birth to three children. Through its scientific and civil specialization, focused on the mechanism of institutional development and capacity building and how to create a democratic dialogue that achieves peace


In 1998, she began working in the field of women’s rights with local and international organizations. All her experience and political, legal and social maturity culminated in the establishment of the Women Empowerment Organization in 2004, in Erbil to launch a wider work in the Council of Ministers of the Kurdistan Region in the field of sustainable development from 2005 to 2009, as well as participation in a training program at Harvard University on financing institutions and small projects.


…Alliance Resolution 1325

In 2012 she led a network of women’s NGOs to develop the National Action Plan 1325 on the UN Security Council Resolution on Women in Conflict Areas, the so-called Iraq Initiative. The two-year advocacy work culminated in the development of the emergency plan for resolution 1325 in 2016 within a network called the 1325 Resolution Alliance, which continues to exert pressure to implement Security Council resolution 1325 throughout Iraq by working directly with government ministries at both the federal and KRG levels . She was assigned the task of coordinator of the National Multi spectral Action Team 1325 to lead government meetings to put more pressure on implementation

Suzanne’s interest and experience focused on institutional development, capacity-building, democratic dialogue, peace-building and activities that promote disadvantaged groups, especially women, in various areas of life through numerous seminars, workshops and discussions in the areas of

. Economic empowerment-

. Political participation-

 .Women’s rights in the constitution and Iraqi legislation-

The reduction of violence against women and won many awards and certificates nationally and internationally



Women’s social and political marginalization

Through her presentations and seminars, Suzan emphasizes that women need a lot of experience and self-confidence as well as community confidence in women. , And that determining the fixed proportion of Iraqi women in the legislative authority in Iraq is a good step to help women achieve their ambitions, and a necessary step for the stage of reform and change, otherwise it would not have reached this stage, and that the factors affecting the marginalization of Iraqi women can be determined by customs and traditions and The marginalization of women, sectarianism and politicization of religion


Important international posts

Suzan Aref participated in many international activities and conferences, most notably the meeting organized by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the Directors of the European Union and the Security Council, held at AlSalam Palace in The Hague, A summary of the work of the alliance was presented in resolution 1325 on the national plan of UN Security Council Resolution 1325, And what resulted from the recent meetings of the coalition in the achievement of community peace, and the roles of Iraqi women’s organizations active in co-existence, and field participation, especially in areas that witnessed armed conflicts and the role of the international community in this regard.

Her participation in the Euro-Mediterranean Women’s Initiative (EFI) meeting was marked by the organizers’ applauding the meeting for the rich presentation Susan made on women, peace and security in the Middle East.

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