الرئيسية / دراسات / The opinion of the male and female electorate in the nomination of women as candidates in the upcoming elections and the factors that could affect the chances of winning in the Iraqi parliament elections

The opinion of the male and female electorate in the nomination of women as candidates in the upcoming elections and the factors that could affect the chances of winning in the Iraqi parliament elections


















The Iraqi Women Journalist’s Forum has worked annually to prepare field studies by using statistics as the main source in its media campaigns, those campaigns were utilized as an essential part of its work in the field of standing up for community issues and human rights, Thus, the survey included a set of questions (21 questions) related to participation in elections and other questions concerning whether women’s will get votes in the elections or not , the opportunities available according to the districts and communities to which the candidate belongs, the role of political parties , media and other institutions in supporting the political campaigns of women candidates and the factors influencing their chances of winning


:To read the complete study click on the link below

The opinion of the male and female electorate in the nomination of women as candidates in the upcoming elections and the factors that could affect the chances of winning in the Iraqi parliament elections


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